As a preteen I was convinced studying and being smart was for loser geeks and that life was about Rock and Roll and videogames! However, I desired to rock even harder so I started studying music theory in order to do so. I then discovered the beautiful world of the autodidact(teaching yourself stuff) through my efforts with guitar and decided to concentrate my efforts on academics as well. Somehow, I got into one of the best colleges in the nation and decided I would work hard and become a Music, Math, and Economics Triple Major. I wound up sucking at school so that didn't work out. Working with my strengths, and not what I liked, I graduated with a degree in Japanese... yet I am still unable to speak the language fluently. When I get concerned about the kind of life I have led I remember what my dad told me as a child
"Son, there will come a point in your life when you will decide what your profession will be for the rest of your life and I want you to be happy with whatever it is you choose. Just know this. All that matters in life is that you have a clean conscience, treat your body and self with respect, love your fellow man, recognize your value as the beautiful human being God created,...and that you NOT become ANY kind of school teacher."
Looks like I messed that one up! I'm heading to China to teach English this summer. I have a beginner's proficiency in Chinese and no experience or training teaching English. This is probably the worst situation I could be in, as far as my dad is concerned: I am not only a teacher but I can't even communicate with my students...
My life is that of a flip-flopper.
Stay tuned and see what other crazy adventures the majestic SEV(short for Severino) will be diving head first into.
Maybe something like this?

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